Friday 14 December 2012

Radiator Repair: Relieve pressure with Radiator Service!

Do you feel the pressure building up? It’s time for a radiator service! The cooling system of a vehicle consists of several small, but important components; the radiator, fan, fan belt, hoses and clamps, thermostat, water pump, and coolant over-flow tank. This complex system is responsible for keeping the operating temperature of the engine at a consistent level. It’s vital that this system is maintained properly with regularly scheduled radiator service, whether you drive your car every day of the week, or just occasionally. A radiator service will prevent the build-up of rust and scale which interrupts the flow of coolant. Lack of servicing can lead to overheating, breakdowns and a premature, costly radiator repair.

If you are looking for quality Radiator Repair Princeton MN than find our dedicated Auto Repair Services Princeton MN shop. Our expert mechanic also provides Engine Rebuild Princeton MN services.

Some essential tasks that should be covered in a radiator service are:

    * Hoses and/or belts inspected every 15,000 miles; replaced (or adjusted) every 30,000 miles or as needed.
    * Radiator, water pump, core plugs, and hoses for leakage inspected and repaired every 15,000 miles or 12 months.
    * Pressure cap checked every 15,000 miles or 12 months; replace every 30,000 miles.
    * Cooling system drained, flushed and refilled every 30,000 or 60,000 miles.
    * Mineral deposits cleaned from the entire coolant system.
    * Old anti-freeze drained and refilled with new clean anti-freeze.
    * Fluid additives to optimize the performance of the coolant system by increasing the proper flow of coolant.
    * Coolant conditioner additive to renew gaskets and seals to prevent overheating.

Problems with a coolant system typically arise when regular radiator service is forgotten. When fluids aren't renewed as needed, heat created by the engine cannot be dissipated correctly. This will result in overheating, breakdowns, and possibly engine damage resulting in a necessary radiator repair. Check your owner’s manual for the manufacturer’s recommended service interval.

A dependable vehicle is not automatic. It requires attention, time, effort and financial investment. So take the pressure off by taking preventative measures and have a radiator repair before your problems get any bigger. Your vehicle will thank you by getting you where you need to go on schedule!

For quality radiator repair, contact our ASE Certified Technicians at Rum River Automotive by calling (763) 389-3811, or go on-line at for professional advice. Since 1997, our auto repair shop has served vehicle owners in Princeton, MN, and in the surrounding areas of Milaca and Zimmerman, MN.

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